Showing posts with label Vanilla Pudding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vanilla Pudding. Show all posts

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Vanilla Pudding

Vanilla  Pudding  Pots 

Makes 4 to 6 pots


4 cups whole milk

1/2 cup sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 vanilla bean pod; slit open
2 eggs

In a pan, stir together the milk and sugar until all the sugar is dissolved. 
Add the salt. Bring it to a boil. Turn down the heat to a gentle simmer. Allow it to cook for 45 minutes until half the liquid has evaporated. 
Add the vanilla bean pod. Mix well and let it cool. 
Cover and chill over night. 

Beat the eggs into the milk custard with a whisk, an electric food processor, or an electric immersion blender until smooth. 

Pour the mixture into little ramekins or glass jars that can go in the oven. Fill each of them until just 3/4th
 full and not to the top. 
Cover it with parchment and foil, ensuring it is tightly covered and no air escapes. 

Place the jars/pots in a tray of hot water—bain marie—and bake in a preheated oven of 275 F (140 C) for 30 minutes. Remove the tops of the pudding and check for a " jiggle" in the middle. Turn off the oven and allow the puddings to cool off. 

You can strain the custard through a sieve while pouring it into the pots if you prefer a smoother and silkier texture, but you will lose some of the cream in it. 

Substitute the vanilla pod for vanilla bean paste; use about a 1/4 tsp of the paste. 

Or simply add 1 tsp of vanilla extract instead of the vanilla pod or paste. 
Use the best quality vanilla extract and not the artificial variety. 

The milk will turn a creamy yellow once cooked down. 

If you prefer to make it on the same day and avoid the overnight wait, simply add the vanilla bean half way through the cooking. Ensure the milk has cooled down before adding the eggs. Also, keep the eggs at room temperature to avoid them curdling while mixing. 

The pots must have a jiggle when the oven is turned off. 

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Photo Courtesy Sheeraz Wania