Showing posts with label dip. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dip. Show all posts

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Smoked Oyster Dip

Oyster and cream cheese dip 

Everyone needs to mix a couple of ingredients and hurry it up sometimes! Here's a dip that is delicious and takes less than 10 minutes in total.

Serves 12 

Cream cheese, 250 g (8 oz) tub
2 cans 80-100 g/ 4 oz of smoked oyster; the oil should be drained. 
Keep a spoonful of chopped oysters aside to coat the cheese roll.

In a bowl, mix the cheese with a large metal spoon till it looks whipped and smooth. Add the chopped seafood and gently fold it in. 
Transfer it to your serving bowl. 
Garnish it with the whole mussels and or oysters. 
Serve it with crackers. 


To keep it in the refrigerator, covered tightly with a plastic film. 
It is best served at room temperature. 
Alternate with one can of smoked mussels instead of oysters. 
Add a tbsp. of cream if you want to soften it further. 
Adding a couple of drops of tabasco will give it a bit of zing. 


Click here to read more about my cookbook The Art of Parsi Cooking; reviving an ancient cuisine and The World of Parsi Cooking Food Across Borders

Photo courtesy Sheriar Hirjikaka