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Showing posts with label prepared ahead.. Show all posts

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Glazed Chicken

Chicken 1...2,...3 
This chicken is all about building flavour, substitutes are easy to switch around. Cooking it in larger quantities is easy too. A dish the whole family can enjoy. 
really simple.

Serves 6 

Wash 1 kg / 2.2 lb of skinless chicken with bone in 

The Marinade; Mix together

4 oz red wine

1 tbsp. mustard
1 inch freshly grated ginger
1 tsp salt
freshly ground black pepper
1 tbsp soya sauce
1 tsp brown sugar
1 tbsp. rice wine vinegar

Put all the chicken in the marinade for a minimum of 1 hour.

Preheat the oven to 170°C | 
 350°F. Roast uncovered for 60 minutes until cooked through.
Turn once to avoid drying. 
Rest for 10 minutes. 

Marinate for up to 24 hours; covered and chilled. The chicken is best cooked at room temperature. 

You can use half a cup of orange juice instead of red wine. If you have neither, use some chicken stock with 1 tbsp. Port Wine.

Replace the rice wine vinegar with any other vinegar you have on hand.

Instead of sugar, you may use honey, agave, or maple syrup. 

If your chicken has a skin on, allow it to roast for 10 more minutes. 

Use a dish where the chicken fits tightly. This keeps the pieces submerged in the marinade and steams them well. Place a parchment paper first in your glass dish to avoid scrubbing it later

The chicken glaze served on a bed of egg noodles.

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Photo credit Sheriar Hirjikaka