Showing posts with label semolina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label semolina. Show all posts

Wednesday, 7 January 2015



Arabic by descent, this egg free sweet is rooted from Egypt. A typical dessert from the Nile. Abundantly available in Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon, Iran and even Greece, each one in slight variations according to  the abundance of local produce; like the nuts and the rosewater and orange blossom.

Here is my variation of this delightful treat. This is a fool proof family recipe that I share. Be adventurous and try adding your favourite nuts and the essence you enjoy most.
A touch of saffron, some pistachios or walnuts perhaps? 

Moist and delicious


Beat with in an electric beater
1 cup yogurt
½ tsp salt
add in alternately
1/2 cup melted butter
1 cup fine sugar

now add 2 cups semolina ~ preferably coarse and not fine.

Pour the whole mixture into a flat, buttered, pie plate. Spread the top with almonds and bake in a  preheated oven at 350F/180C till golden brown and quite firm. It will take about 50 minutes.

In the meantime prepare a simple sugar syrup mixing
1/2 cup water
1 cup sugar
Bring this to a boil, lower the heat and check for it to become sticky; aik tar no seero.
Check if it is correct by dipping a spoon into the syrup then hold it over the pan and allow the liquid to stream down. The final drops will be a longish slow drip wiry and thick. When perfect remove from the fire and add
1/2 cup salted butter
1 tsp of lemon juice
Mix it well and allow it to cool.

When the Busboosa  is ready to come out of the oven, turn the oven off. Immediately pour all of the sugar syrup, covering the surface all over, cover the Busboosa  with a plate or foil and leave inside the oven to soak for 10 minutes.
Serve warm or at room temperature.

For more recipes try my e-cookbook

Niloufer's Kitchen: Persian Fusion

For Parsi Food recipes click The Art of Parsi Cooking; reviving an ancient cuisine.

To download an e-book click

Photo credit Sheriar Hirjikaka

Readers Comment

February 09th, 2015
Mehreen Uneeb My attempt! It's sooo yummy!