Showing posts with label upside down cake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label upside down cake. Show all posts

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Pineapple Upside Down.

Pineapple Upside Down Cake

An old classic with a new twist. It looks like it is Van Gogh's birthday here. The art credit goes to a friend across the seas who is truly an amazing lady and ever so obliging. You can use any 
25cm / 10-inch pan you like, round, square, or even a specially manufactured one in the shape of a flower! 
You can use peaches or apricots if you prefer. Fresh or canned pineapple, both are fine. Use maraschino cherries if you want to add colour. Walnuts if you want to add texture. The choice is yours. 
Design the bottom of the pan as best you like, as it will be the top of the cake when you turn it upside down.

Wonder if it is Picasso or Van Gogh celebrating a birthday?

Preheat the oven to 175 C |350 F

For the Base you need

1/2 cup sugar
1/3 cup melted salted butter
12 rings of pineapple; brushed with rum 
About 15 pieces of walnuts

For the Cake

3 large eggs at room temperature
1 cup sugar
1 1/2 cup sifted all purpose flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 /2 tsp salt
2/3rd cup pineapple juice plus 1 tsp vanilla essence + 1 tsp rum (optional to substitute it for another teaspoon of vanilla  extract)

Step 1 Melt the sugar in the cake pan over low heat until it has caramelised to a nice golden amber color. 
Pour the butter all over and twist the pan around to ensure it has reached all over. 
Decorate with pineapples and walnuts. Keep aside 

Step 2 With
an electric beater, whip the eggs until very light and fluffy, about 5 minutes. 
Slowly add the sugar, lowering the setting of the beater to the lowest. Gently fold in the sifted flour, baking powder, and salt. Add it alternately with the fruit juice and vanilla extract. 

Gently pour it over the ready fruit and caramel in the pan. Give it a slight shake and put it into the oven to bake for 30 minutes. Test with a skewer to see if it's clean. Do not go all the way down to test it. 

The cake will also begin to leave the sides of the pan. 
Remove it from the oven and wait for 3 minutes. Place a large platter over the cake and turn it upside down. Let it rest for 10–15 minutes. This will allow the juices to all come down well. Keep it in a warm, dry place rather than in a draught at this time. 
It tastes best when fresh. Serve it with fresh cream or ice cream.

If the cake has not left the sides, run a flat butter knife over it before you turn it over. 

If you do not have enough juice left over from a fresh pineapple, substitute it for any juice like orange, lemon, or a mix of them. Do not omit the exact liquid quantity.

Read more about my cuisine called Parsi food and its history and culture and heritage in my cookbooks The World of Parsi Cooking: Food Across Borders and The Art of Parsi Cooking; reviving an ancient cuisine.
For more delicious cakes download,

Niloufer's Kitchen: Persian Fusion

Photo credit Kainaaz R Patell.