Showing posts with label white chocolate and peppermint icing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label white chocolate and peppermint icing. Show all posts

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Mint Cheese and White-Chocolate Icing.

An artists impression of a free hand "Spring-Equinox"~ Nasha Mavalvala

This icing is most versatile and can be used for any chocolate, coffee and vanilla cake you wish.

It is made up of 
1 cup whipping cream
1 lb/454 gm Mascaporne cheese at room temperature
 Almost 1 lb or 400 gm good white chocolate, melted 
1 tsp peppermint essence

Beat the cream until soft peaks are formed.

On a very low speed add the Mascarpone cheese add the peppermint essence.
Once completely smooth add the melted white chocolate and gently mix until just incorporated.

Cover and place in the fridge for one hour until it is thick and right consistency to pipe.


To melt the white chocolate place small pieces of the chocolate in a metal pan and cover. Place over a warm water bath. The steam will allow the chocolate to melt slowly. The water of the pan should not be touching the pan with the chocolate. Only the steam.

Use cream cheese if mascarpone is unavailable. It works just as well.

There are many types of peppermint essence. Taste the mixture after adding little at a time if you are using it for the first time. Some can be highly potent.

For delicious desserts try

Niloufer's Kitchen: Persian Fusion from

Courtesy and photo credit Kainaaz Patell
Artists impression Nasha Mavalvala